Tom R. Leppard, PhD


I am a father, a Londoner, a former rugby player, and a postdoctoral scholar for the Data Science and AI Academy at North Carolina State University.

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My work explores how social capital, inequality, and networks influence opportunities and outcomes in various contexts. As someone interested in resources and networks, I love building scholarly communities, and much of my work is collaborative! I also thoroughly enjoy driving my solo research agenda. Please refer to my CV for an updated overview of my research agenda.

Adolescence and Social Capital

  1. Intersectional bonds: Delinquency, arrest, and changing family social capital during adolescence
  2. The Ties That Bond?: Social Capital in Families
  3. Exploring Gendered Stereotypes: Sports Participation and Adolescent Closeness to Mothers
  4. Paternal Closeness in Adolescence: The Association of Sports and Gender

Collaboration and Networks

  1. Collaborating with Competitors: Exploring Network Mechanisms that Drive the Benefits of Collaboration in Music.
  2. Cultural Ties in American Sociology


  1. A Shame of Inches: Teams with Black Head Coaches are Penalized more in Division 1 College Football.
  2. Do Status Characteristic-Based Stereotypes Influence Opportunities in Monoracial Settings? The Case of the National Hockey League
  3. Athlete activism and the role of personal and professional positionality: The case of Naomi Osaka
  4. The White House’s Response to Black Athletes’ Protests: Critically Analyzing Social Processes Between Leadership in Sports and Government.

Other Publications

  1. Pandemic Job Separation and Psychological Distress: Modeling Chains of Adversity.

Papers in the Pipeline

  1. The Gender of Family Social Capital: Parental Investment into Adolescent Career Building
  2. Bonding Ties That Get Ahead: Family Social Capital and Early Career Outcomes.
  3. The Ties that Rhyme: Duality in Symbolic and Structural Networks of Grime Music.
  4. Collaborating with Competitors: Career Success Dilution Due to Over-affiliation